Squad Fees

Participation in the squad system is considered to be an annual involvement; therefore the total fees for the year have been averaged out to produce the monthly amount, with the same monthly fee being payable for all 12 months of the year. Therefore, even if there are school holidays or training breaks you are still charged the same amount per month.

Squad fees provide swimmers with coach instruction at training and competition, dryland and/or strength & conditioning instruction depending on age and pool entry and/or lease fees at some training venues.  The squad fees are heavily subsidised by our Just Swimming learn to swim program and we thank all the Just Swimming staff for their support.

Fees will be charged regardless of a swimmers attendance with the exception of prolonged absences of more than 2 weeks through injury or illness (see below for more info).

The method of payment for monthly squad fees is via direct debit which is processed on the first business day of the month. All families are required to fill in the Direct Debit Request Form and return to our Business Administrator, Laura Parkins prior to beginning in the squad program.

We may at any time upon sending an email or announcement on TeamApp and giving 30 days’ notice, increase the agreed amount or make changes to terms and conditions. Where we have made a reasonable effort to let you know about a fee increase, you authorise us to increase any debits from your nominated account

Please remember to update your direct debit details with Laura should they change.


Adjustments to Squad Accounts

If a swimmer suffers any serious injuries or illnesses which necessitate a prolonged absence from training of more than 2 weeks, consideration may be given to adjusting the account in the following month.

If you wish to apply for a squad account adjustment, please complete the Squad Fee Adjustment Form,  and return it to the Business Administrator, Laura Parkins. In general all charges will stand and any corrections will be made in the following month.

If you have any questions in regards to your account, please contact our Business Administrator Laura Parkins



Members that wish to cancel their enrolment must do so in writing by emailing the club. All cancellation requests require a minimum 14 days’ notice (unless otherwise specified) between the date of request and the date of actual termination. During this period any payments due must still be paid in full; this may include a pro rata of the monthly debit fee.